文爱 电报群 EY | Sharing the Planet with Animals 东谈主与动物分享地球
发布日期:2024-10-06 05:01 点击次数:173
This week, the Deer class has explored the Unit of Inquiry (UOI): "Sharing the Planet." Our focus has been on understanding the distinctions between pets, farms, and wild animals. We have engaged in meaningful discussions about the importance of interacting with animals in ways that ensure the safety of both ourselves and the animals we encounter. Emphasising the values of kindness and compassion文爱 电报群, we concluded our exploration by collectively acknowledging that all animals, regardless of their categorisation, deserve to be treated with utmost care and empathy.
Pet Questionnaire
The first step on our journey was to explore the animals in our daily life. The children were enthusiastic about sharing information about their pets. To facilitate this, we created a questionnaire for the children to take home and complete with their parents over the weekend. On Monday, the children returned with their completed questionnaires, and they took turns introducing interesting facts about their pets while their peers attempted to guess the animal being described.
Class Pets
As part of our ongoing Unit of Inquiry (UOI), we recently introduced our new class pets - turtles. The children were quick to identify them correctly. To determine suitable names for our turtles, we asked the children for suggestions and received an extensive list. We plan to hold a voting process to finalise the names. Presently, our two turtles are temporarily named 'Little Turtle' and 'Little Duck'. Additionally, we established a feeding roster, and it was heartening to see the children eagerly volunteering to take on this responsibility.
Egg Investigation
The Deer class has recently embarked on an exciting project of incubating chicken eggs to deepen our understanding of farm and production animals, as well as the life cycle. To document and monitor the process, we have set up observation boards where we track the temperature of the incubation chamber and record any visual changes. The children have shown great enthusiasm and have become fully engaged in this experiment. They eagerly anticipate the hatching of the eggs and the arrival of the adorable new chicks.
Taking Care of Animals
During our discussion on animal care and handling, the children shared numerous ways they take care of animals, such as feeding and grooming their pets at home. Inspired by their insights, we decided to teach the children how to safely handle domestic animals, particularly cats. Throughout the activity, the children learned the importance of being mindful and gentle when interacting with animals. They also observed that cats prefer not to be handled while eating. This experience proved invaluable in fostering a healthy respect for the natural world and promoting self-care among the children.
在商议咱们奈何见原动物时,孩子们分享了我方见原宠物的训戒,举例给小动物喂食、梳理毛发等。这激发了孩子们对于奈何愈加安全不断宠物,以及在和动物互动经由中奈何自我保护的接头,十分是不断小猫的手段。憨厚通过示范,率领孩子们学会和煦的给小猫梳理毛发,并了解到猫咪在吃饭时不可爱被触摸等。这些训戒匡助孩子们学会了奈何珍爱动物,学会了和动物互动时要保捏的和煦气魄文爱 电报群,也让孩子们愈加了解了动物的需乞降喜好,学习如安在与动物相处中保护我方。